Visit Us

ACE is located in Adelaide’s Lion Arts Centre, in the west end of the city.

Lion Arts Centre
North Terrace (West End)
Kaurna Yarta
Adelaide SA 5000

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Open Hours

Tuesday – Saturday
11am – 4pm

Free Entry

Entrance to the ACE gallery.
Entrance to the ACE gallery.
Photography by Jonathan van der Knaap.

Visitor Guide

Come visit us at our gallery in Adelaide’s CBD. You can find us by entering the Lion Arts Centre precinct from either North Terrace or Morphett Street.


+61 8 8211 7505

PO Box 10114
Kaurna Yarta, Adelaide Business Centre,
South Australia, 5000

Open hours

Gallery Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11am – 4pm
Wednesday: 11am – 4pm
Thursday: 11am – 4pm
Friday: 11am – 4pm
Saturday: 11am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed

Office Hours

Our office is staffed Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 5pm.


ACE is free to visit! Occasionally we run ticketed programs and events, which can be booked through this website.

Public transport

If you are visiting ACE by public transport, the closest tram and bus stops are approximately 70m away from our entrance.

Travelling via tram

The closest tram stop is the City West tram stop, which is on North Terrace. After getting off the tram you will need to travel south at the pedestrian crossing, then across the Lion Arts Centre courtyard where you will find us next to the JamFactory, behind the Mercury CX Cinema.

Travelling via bus

The closest bus stops to ACE are stop X1 North Terrace, South side, or stop C1 North Terrace, North side. These stops are also near the City West tram stop, where you will need to travel south at the pedestrian crossing then across the Lion Arts Centre courtyard where you will find us next to the JamFactory, behind the Mercury CX Cinema.

You can also get to ACE via the free city loop buses.
On the 98A bus, get off at stop C1, Morphett Street, East side. From there, you cross at the Hindley Street and Morphett Street lights and head North towards North Terrace where you will find us on the left, next to the JamFactory and behind the Mercury CX cinema.
On the 98C bus, exit at stop X1, Morphett St, West side. From there, you cross Hindley Street and head North towards North Terrace where you will find us on the left, next to the JamFactory and behind the Mercury CX cinema.

Parking and drop off point

v13 Morphett Street

The closest parking spaces are located on Morphett Street. To access the car parks, you must be travelling north. At the Hindley Street/Montefiore Road/Morphett Street intersection, veer left to take the slip road that is the continuation of Morphett Street, then veer left into a designated parking bay on the Eastern side of JamFactory. There are three half-hour car parks, one disabled permit park, and one loading zone car park. We suggest using this location as your drop off point. 

Pedestrian access via ramp

To reach ACE’s main entrance from the Morphett Street parking bay, follow the pedestrian access ramp that runs in front of JamFactory and turns towards North Terrace. This ramp can be accessed if you are entering the Lion Arts Centre precinct from either North Terrace or Morphett Street.

The first ramp is an angle of 4% incline or 2.3 degrees. The second ramp, once veering to the north and directly parallel to ACE’s entrance, is at an angle of 8% or 4.5 degrees. 

Approaching ACE from the north side of the building, there is the option of taking a flight of five steps. Each step is 18cm high and 28cm deep. There is a handrail on the left.

Education group visits

We welcome visits from education groups, primary through to tertiary, and encourage self-guided visits to our exhibitions. For more information about how to book, visit our Education page.

Can I take photos?

Unless an exhibition is otherwise signed, yes – you’re most welcome to! If you’re sharing images online be sure to tag us ( so we can enjoy them too.


ACE is wheelchair accessible. ACE is committed to ensuring our gallery, activities and website are as accessible as possible, for as many people as possible. Please visit our Accessibility page for comprehensive information about the accessibility of our gallery.


ACE is committed to keeping audiences COVID-safe with the following hygiene protocols:

  • Hygiene measures have been implemented in the workplace including, anti-bacterial wipes, ample signage, provision of masks and hand sanitisers.

  • Gallery surfaces are cleaned and sanitised frequently.

  • Visitors who are unwell or have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 are asked to postpone visiting the gallery until well again.

  • Any individuals putting ACE visitors, staff or volunteers at risk will not be admitted or will be asked to leave.

Mask-wearing is not mandatory for visitors and staff, but it is welcomed.

ACE is working hard to keep audiences safe in accordance with SA Government guidelines.

We thank you in advance for your assistance and support in keeping the community safe at this time.

ACE tampinthi, ngadlu Kaurna yartangka panpapanpalyarninthi (inparrinthi). Kaurna miyurna yaitya mathanya Wama Tarntanyaku. Parnaku yailtya, parnaku tapa purruna, parnaku yarta ngadlu tampinthi. Yalaka Kaurna miyurna itu yailtya, tapa purruna, yarta kuma puru martinthi, puru warri-apinthi, puru tangka martulayinthi.

ACE respectfully acknowledges the traditional Country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains and pays respect to Elders past and present. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.